Happy New Year! Yeah, it's that time of year again when we take about a couple weeks to get used to the fact that it is 2019 and not mistakenly write the number "2018" in all our messages and emails.

So right now, within the first two weeks of the new year, when most, if not all of our anticipated resolutions unceremoniously fall by the wayside of our daily lives....I am going to kick things off with an epic road trip, to get to know this land down under, and to experience her beauty and grandeur, first hand! It will be about 2 weeks of pure unadulterated road trippin' with the appropriate road trip songs blaring out on the speakers, as we sing along to our hearts' content. The total trip is estimated to be 2900 km. I can even still see the route when I zoom out of google maps and see the whole of Australia. Yep, this is epic....at least for a city-slicker like me!
Of course, I will still be available to take on music projects, even on this trip, because I am bringing along my travel rig. The only difference is, my music studio will be the great outdoors!
In essence, my travel rig is:

My laptop
My travel audio interface
My headphones
My SSD sample hard drive
My additional project backup drive
(Maybe I'll bring along my Shure SM87 - in case I have a project that requires vocals, although, I don't know how I'll be able to record with all the noises of nature that will be surrounding me)
So off we go, and see you on the open road!